Roommate, Wellington, Wellington

Roommate, Wellington, Wellington

Ad details

Kia ora! We are looking for someone fun to move into our flat - a lovely renovated villa with five bedrooms only 3 minutes away from Oriental Beach. ***Move in from weekend of 23/34th March*** Rent: $226 per? week Expenses = $25 per week (extra goes into flat account for misc items) Bond = $796 Current flatmates are four easygoing yo-pros, two M and two F. A mix of public sector and private sector but not opposed to expanding the flat CV (although 9-5 employed preferred). Our interests include: running, bouldering, gym, music, board games, puzzles, tramping, gigs and bread-making. We have a warm flat environment, and are looking for someone in their mid 20s to mid 30s who wants to contribute?
Wellington, Wellington
$ 226 NZD

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