Roommate, Wellington, Wellington

Roommate, Wellington, Wellington

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Looking for a great all round flatmate? Need just the right person to fill a spare room? Nice to meet you.. I?m Brandon I?m a student Victoria Uni Wellington, studying a bachelor of commerce (finance and marketing majors). I work part time as a lifeguard at Stokes Valley pool. I currently live in Lower Hutt and am looking to relocate to Wellington? for convenience. A bit about me: I?m a big fitness enthusiast. I love to go to the gym and do a bit of running. On my off days I like to play a game of golf (I?m not very good). I?m always down to meet new people and have a good chat. I?m a very organised and tidy person. I like to think I?m a good cook, but I?m probably a better cleaner. I don?t?
Wellington, Wellington

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